My Dear Vero,

We all arrive eventually at a crossroads. I feel sure you will make the right decision and even if you don’t you will make the most of that life you have chosen. Coming to the US as a Rotary sponsored college student. Sharing your life as a French Girl In Seattle, teaching French, joining the Rick Steve’s bandwagon and the hardest decision of all ending your marriage and returning to your first love…France. You my dear have been a huge success even if it doesn’t feel that way sometimes. Hang in there as you ponder your next move.

Whatever it is I am certain you will succeed….Janey

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Bonjour Janey. I am touched you remember so many details of my life. I am also touched by your supportive message. Thank you for (still) being here after all these years! All will be well. There's always a next move indeed. A bientôt.

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Jul 6Liked by Véronique Savoye

Hi Vero. Your videos helped us and entertained us so much during confinement. What I enjoy most now are your French classes. Your preparation, the breadth of subject, the way the group is organized and supported, your base of knowledge, your personality, are unparalleled in what I’ve experienced during 27(yikes!) years of French education. I would follow you anywhere if you chose to expand that part of your business. I also enjoy your videos in French.

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Bonjour Theresa. Thank you so much for the (very) kind words and the continued support. Teaching will always be part of my life, one way or another. I will be seeing you in a few months on Zoom when French conversation classes resume. Passe un bon été!

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Jul 6Liked by Véronique Savoye

Good Morning, Vero,

All these crossroads, I get it. I love your classes and am also interested in the immersion tours you mentioned. I have also really enjoyed your French language content. More online content in French, such as your virtual tours, and maybe developed for discussion with your classes would be an idea. Looking forward to resuming classes this fall. Joy

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Bonjour Madame Joy. Comment ça va? Thank you for the suggestion. I always look for new ideas to make our French conversation sessions more interesting! I also noted you are interested in French immersion stays. Stay tuned! My students and patrons will get priority registration, like always. Enjoy summer. I will be seeing you in the fall.

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Jul 6Liked by Véronique Savoye

Dear Vero, I love your videos and am always happy for a new video. Your 7th heaven videos filled a hole in my heart. Whatever you do, you will land on your feet. I hope you will still share France with us. You have brought me great joy. I wish you great joy. Michelle

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Bonjour Michelle. Thank you for weighing in. I have been sharing France online or in person for over 20 years and plan to continue doing it, one way or another. Merci de votre gentillesse et à bientôt.

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Jul 6Liked by Véronique Savoye

Pondering is a productive activity .

Thanks for allowing us into your thoughts.

I enjoy your virtual tours and often go back and rewatch them!

It must take a lot of time to create the French interviews and then subtitles but I really enjoy those as it challenges my French comprehension. I would suggest more virtual tours in lesser known areas too. But most of all I look forward to an immersion tour by you! Here’s hoping my rusty French will be sufficient to participate !

Your example of courage, tenacity ,and knowledge is inspiring for all ! En y va! Melva

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Thank you, like always, for your support MJ. It means a lot, as you know. Oui, tu as raison, on y va! Onwards and upwards. A bientôt.

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More writing, maybe? I enjoy your longer pieces. As for the demands of algorithms and the blasé-ness of the scrolling masses, I hear you. At the end of February this year I lost my Versailles Century account on Instagram (long story). It had 13,000 followers. But you know what? I don't miss 12,500 of them because rarely did more than 500 ever actually engage with a post.

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Bonjour David. Thank you for weighing in. I feel really sorry you've lost access to that IG account after building it from scratch. I don't know that I would have the energy (or motivation) to start all over again if this happened to me. ;-) You are correct about the lack of engagement. Sometimes being on social media is like talking to yourself (and we can all agree that's a pretty silly thing to do.) ;-)

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Thanks for sympathizing. I was upset about it at first, but I'm over it now. I'm actually much happier here on Substack. I've created a new IG account, @versaillescentury.new, but I only post occasionally and only to let people know what I'm doing on this platform. The level of engagement here on Substack is much higher. My takeaway from this experience is that having 100 dedicated readers is more satisfying than having 1000 or 10000 casual followers.

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It makes sense and I will keep that in mind. Merci, David. Bonne continuation.

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Jul 6Liked by Véronique Savoye

You continue to evolve. Thats good and healthy. I’m interested in immersion stays in Tours

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Bonjour Sally. Words of wisdom, thank you. Stay tuned about French immersion programs in Tours. Have a great summer and do stay in touch. A bientôt!

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Vero-you have lived through, and successfully navigated so many life changes in the last few years-you are inspiring but you also must often be exhausted. I just returned from 12 days in Paris with my 14 year old granddaughter. We participated in a grandparent and teens program…in the summer, in Paris-which was a totally different experience than traveling with my husband off season at our own speed. I was astonished at the differences-it seemed the average age was 22, the focus of travel was taking a selfie in front of something-no matter what-it was the person that was the focus-I was also surrounded by 14-18 year olds-many of them budding influencers! Gah! However…there were also many of those teens who are future travelers-ready to learn more, experience more, and be fully immersed in new cultures. Fortunately, my granddaughter is one of those-she’s already researching college study abroad programs in France! All of this is to say…while it seems travel is being taken over by shallow tourists, influencers, and Insta, there will always be a thirst for the kind knowledge and education YOU provide your followers-real travelers-and I think/hope there will always be enough of us-the oldies and the new young ones coming along-to support and encourage your business. Perhaps Instagram won’t be the best platform but Substack and whatever else evolves may be better suited.

Please don’t be discouraged-you don’t need to compete with the shallow-you are providing university level content! It sounds like giving yourself a time out to do the thing you most love-writing?-might lead to new ways of navigating all that is ahead for you…regardless, know that you are valued and respected as a true professional, and I wish you happiness in all of your pursuits.

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Bonjour Debbie. How wonderful to hear from you! I am used to traveling with groups but I must confess I'd be a wreck if I had to do so surrounded by (budding) influencers. Kudos to you! :-)

You wrote: "Perhaps Instagram won’t be the best platform but Substack and whatever else evolves may be better suited." -- I agree. I don't really see that many perks anymore after all the time I spend creating content on social media. Exchanges are limited at best. I am not that interested in being recognized on the street either ;-)

Thank you so much for the kind, supportive words. They mean a lot. It's always wonderful to feel appreciated. A bientôt.

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Jul 6Liked by Véronique Savoye

I’m very interested in the immersion stay in Tours, also! I have to have the next trip to France to start planning for!💗

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Noted! Merci.

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Jul 6Liked by Véronique Savoye

Vero, I have followed you since your early days at French girl in Seattle. I love you’re writing because it has a higher level of intelligence than so many who write about France. It’s always interesting and you always teach me some thing I didn’t know. That has kept me coming back to read everything you post.

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Bonjour Carol. Thank you very much. I feel so appreciated after reading all the wonderful comments left by readers here! I needed this encouragement right now. Thanks again.

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Jul 6Liked by Véronique Savoye

Dear Vero

I have followed you for years now—watched you grow in the various iterations of your online work. From the states to Paris, with your folks, your wonderful son, then finally taking root in your beloved adopted new hometown of Tours. Your content has always inspired me and will continue to do so going forward in whatever form it takes.

If you’ll allow me this observation: Tours seems to me to be directly on your future path. It energized you to move there and seems to reenergize you every time you return. From Le Monstre to your favorite Place Plume you clearly come alive in the Loire valley and your heart clearly swims in the mighty Loire. Methinks there is a strong clue about your future in the very place you’ve chosen to settle—after all you picked it for a number of reasons.

Whatever your future path I will follow and support you as long as I can. You have given France and Paris back to me in a way I thought was impossible. That is worth everything to me as I have tried to show you with my ongoing support. That will not change.

This won’t be any different—you are a smart, lovely, talented woman who still has much to do and give. I will be happily and proudly watching as you take your next steps! Dr Michael (and Kaya).

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Dear Dr Michael. I've read a lot of wonderful comments and have been especially moved by this message. Thank you very much, for the kind words, encouragement and continued support. You are very perceptive and I like that you identified (rightfully so) Tours and the Loire Valley as my favorite place to be - and main inspiration these days. Hugs to you and Mademoiselle Kaya.

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Jul 6Liked by Véronique Savoye

During Covid I loved your tours of the 17, 18, 19 and 20 arrondissements. However, I wish you would stop along the way and point things out more in depth. Keep up the good work.

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Bonjour Jennie.Thank you for the feedback. Happy you enjoyed the live-streamed tours I published through 2020 and 2021. Most were over 45 minutes in length. I am not sure I could have spent much more time showing places in depth. ;-) A bientôt.

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Jul 6Liked by Véronique Savoye

I’m sorry to say that I have been one of those subscribers adding to the ‘deafening silence’. Please do not confuse my silence with indifference. I truly appreciate all of the content you have provided. You are a rarity; you are authentic. There are many expats providing content but you are une vraie Parisienne. I hope that you continue Vero.

Best regards.

Bonnie L

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Bonjour Bonnie. Thank you for speaking up. I realize not everyone is comfortable jumping into conversations on social media and I appreciate it. Fear not: I will continue sharing la Belle France one way or another. I have been doing this for over 20 years! Stay tuned.

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Jul 6Liked by Véronique Savoye

Ooh, you’ve reached the point where my daughter informed me «  it’s time to think outside the box, Mom ». You began that process when you moved back to France and I’ve no doubt you’ll find your niche once again. I love your videos from the first to the most recent as they inform and instruct and are far better organized than other guide videos I’ve watched. I’m particularly enjoying the Entrepreneur videos you’ve begun. Your classes challenge my French knowledge and I’m so happy to be part of them. Whatever niche you choose or path you take, I will follow, as your successful track record ensures the results will be invaluable to improving my knowledge of France and the language…plus I enjoy the sense of community you have created.

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Bonjour Debbie. Comment ça va au Tennessee? Thank you so much for the detailed feedback and encouragement. It means a lot! The France with Vero community is indeed a special one, and you get to enjoy it even more by being a long-standing member of the French bootcamps! I will see you in the fall when French conversation classes resume. Passe un bon été!

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Jul 7Liked by Véronique Savoye

Tout va bien ici et dans 5 semaines, je serai avec ma fille et mes petites filles pour une période de 7 semaines ! Quel plaisir ! Toi aussi, passe un bon été !

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Jul 7Liked by Véronique Savoye

Bonjour Véro ! Tour guide + adult educator = stay with Rick and offer immersion tours in their off season? You will always write (I hope) as you excel at that 🥰 Courage, et nous t’attendrons avec patience et respect 🫡 🇫🇷

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Salut Bob. Merci d'avoir pris le temps de répondre. I was not thinking about leaving tour guiding (with Rick or otherwise.) It's the only job I've had where I can combine my passion for teaching and travel. I know I am lucky to be able to do it as long as balance can be found. I like the idea of focusing on guiding and teaching. When or how remains to be seen. Stay tuned et... merci encore!

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Jul 7Liked by Véronique Savoye

I agree with the comments and observations from the others who have posted. I like all that you do and marvel at how much content you provide. Selfishly I hope that you get the Immersion Program in Tours organized. Having said that I think you might worry that you re spread yourself too thin if you continue to try and do it all. That is likely the crossroads you ponder, figuring out what is sustainable?

Maybe as Robert Kolinski says « Rick Steves’ Tour Guide, Immersion in Tours in the off-season »?

I am also enjoying the Enterpreneur interviews as the content is in French, and read/listen/watch other content without commenting, but I find written content easier to fit in when I am busy.

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Coucou Maryanne. Great to hear from you. It's been a while! We miss you in French class. So happy you enjoy the videos in the "French and Entrepreneur" series. They seem to be popular with many francophiles so far. I plan to keep filming them through the end of the year then we will see. As for French immersion programs, stay tuned! A bientôt.

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